ISO certifications
Our company is the holder of several certificates:
Quality Management Certificate
ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009, since 2005
Issued by EURO CERT CZ, a.s.
Environmental Management Certificate
ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005, since 2005
Issued by EURO CERT CZ, a.s.
Colouring Process Calibration Certificate
for the printing machine CD 74-5+L-C
ČSN ISO 12647-2:2007, since 2007
Issued by HEIDELBERG Praha, spol. s r.o.
Printing Standard Compliance Certificate
for the printing machine Komori Lihtrone G40
ČSN ISO 12647-2:2004/Amd.1:2007
Issued by GRAFIE CZ, s.r.o.
Printing Standard Compliance Certificate
for digital proof print
ČSN ISO 12647-7:2007
Issued by GRAFIE CZ, s.r.o.
FSC® Certificate
for paper from responsible sources
FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1 standard
Issued by TÜV SÜD Czech